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Direct Mail job terms and conditions:

Before we are able to proceed with your job, please take a minute to review the following details:

1) When your order is placed, your artwork will be submitted to Canada Post for approval to ensure that it meets the criteria for admail. If your artwork does not meet Canada Post’s admail requirements, there may be additional charges for postage, as required by Canada Post.

2) We will begin printing your job as soon as we receive Canada Post approval. Canada Post typically takes one business day for approval, but please note that in certain cases, approval could take longer.

3) SinaLite cannot control the Canada Post approval process; we will not be held liable for delays in the job due to delays with Canada Post approval.

4) (Sina Printing) has collected the postage fee and will process postage and addressing on behalf of you the client. Upon delivering your job to the Canada Post office for processing, we will not be liable for Canada Post’s failure to deliver one or more pieces of the order.

5) SinaLite is not liable for any damages imposed on the printed products by Canada Post during or before mail delivery.