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presentation folders

How to Meet Four Crucial Client Needs with Presentation Folders

When you have prospective clients looking for new ways to boost their business, presentation folders are your go-to print product to make their brand stand out in their industry. Here we introduce four client needs that you can meet with presentation folders and suggest ways to help you communicate that to them.

4 Client Needs Met by Presentation Folders

Client Need #1: “I need a professional image.”

Presenting documents inside a company folder can help present a stronger and more determined image of your client’s business. This communicates a willingness to invest in organization – a key factor of professionalism and success.

How to communicate: Present your client with two stacks of documents. One consists of loose papers while the other is kept in a presentation folder. Ask your clients to notice the contrast between the two.

Client Need #2: “I need consistent branding.”

Presenting high quality, unique materials with consistent branding helps to differentiate a company from the competition. Presentation folders are just one aspect of coordinated marketing collateral. They help tie all the materials inside together into one cohesive brand image that will make an impactful impression.

How to communicate: Show the client a presentation folder of your business containing various documents bearing your company’s logo. Make sure the cover of the folder has the same logo and style of design that can be found on the documents.

Client Need #3: “I need to make a long term impression.”

Presentation folders look better than a stack of papers. They create a great lasting impression of the company using them. In addition, clients are more willing to keep well-designed folders because of their aesthetic appeal. Every time they see it, they’ll be reminded of your company.

How to communicate: Show a well-designed presentation folder to your clients and let them browse its contents. Later, ask them if they remember the company on the folder. They mostly likely will.

Client Need #4: “I need to be versatile.”

It can be hard to keep printed marketing materials of different sizes together. Presentation folders have many uses, including (but not limited to) holding business cards, brochures, booklets, photos, and more. They’re a great way to keep your materials organized and readily accessible.

How to communicate: Put into your present folders materials that are a variety of sizes and shapes. Emphasize how these would be difficult to staple together or hole-punch to fit in a binder.

Meeting these four client needs using presentation folders will likely have your clients coming back to you to print more materials to put inside, so be sure to include some of your own product promotions in your folders – they’ll want to see what else you can do for them!

What are your clients’ biggest branding needs? Share with us in the comments below!

Modified by Haidan Dong

Robert Trench